Dental Problems
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Knocked-Out Tooth
Nobody wants to lose their permanent teeth, but it happens. A knocked-out tooth can be extremely painful – both physically and emotionally – whether it’s due to an accident or poor dental health.

A Knocked Out Tooth is a Dental Emergency
A knocked-out tooth is a serious dental injury that can occur if you receive a blow to the face or an accident. This trauma can damage the tooth root and make it difficult for the tooth to reattach itself.
Get Back Your Smile in No Time With Our Dental Services
Absolute Smiles is here for you. We are a professional dental clinic with years of experience in helping people manage their knocked-out teeth. We have dentists who are highly trained to handle dental emergencies, including knocked-out teeth. Book an emergency appointment with us today, and we’ll help get your smile back on track. Please call us on 08 9279 7956.
Dental Services That Can Address Knocked-Out Tooth
At our clinic, we provide dental services to those people who have lost their adult teeth as a result of injury or decay, such as:
Schedule Your Dental Appointment Today to Achieve That Stunning Smile
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Frequently Asked Questions About Knocked-Out Tooth
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What happens if I knocked out my tooth?
If you have knocked out your tooth, it is important to seek dental treatment as soon as possible. A knocked-out tooth can be a very serious injury and can lead to infection, damage to the gum tissue, and even loss of the tooth.
If you have a knocked-out tooth, try to find the tooth and bring it with you to the dentist. If you cannot find the tooth, we still highly recommend that you book an appointment with your dentist so proper action can be taken.
Can my dentist put back my knocked-out tooth?
Your dentist can replant or put back a tooth that has been knocked out. It’s essential to bring the tooth with you to the dentist (avoid touching the root), since this raises the chances of repositioning it successfully.
This procedure, however, is not always successful and depends on several factors, such as the severity of the injury and how long the tooth has been outside of the mouth. If you act quickly and see your dentist within 30 minutes of the accident, your chances of success are much higher.
When do I see my dentist after my tooth gets knocked out?
Book an emergency dental visit as soon as possible after your tooth injury. You may need to visit your dentist within 20-30 minutes depending on the damage. When it comes to your teeth, time is of the essence. If you wait too long, your tooth may not survive or be replaced.
What happens if I don't address my knocked-out tooth?
If you don’t address your knocked-out tooth, the damage can become much worse. It causes damage to the nerves, supporting tissues, and blood vessels. You may experience several serious problems, including:
- Trouble eating and speaking properly, and your teeth may become misaligned.
- Risk for infection and other damage to the surrounding teeth.
- You may experience pain and swelling.
How do I prevent my tooth from getting knocked out?
The ideal way to prevent your tooth from getting knocked out is to follow these tips below:
- Wear a mouth guard when playing contact sports to avoid tooth injury.
- Avoid chewing or biting on hard objects.
- Use your hands instead of your teeth when opening a bottle.
- Visit your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings.
How do I handle my knocked-out tooth?
If you have a tooth knocked out, it’s important to act quickly and seek dental attention immediately. In the meantime, follow these steps:
Here’s what to do:
- Hold the tooth by the top part, or crown, avoiding contact with the tooth root.
- If the tooth is dirty, gently rinse it in water but do not scrub it or remove any attached tissue fragments.
- If this is possible, try to reinsert the tooth into its socket. Bite down on a clean gauze pad or cloth to keep it in place.
- If you can’t reinsert the tooth, keep your tooth moist by storing it in a cup of milk or a solution of saline.
Note: If you knocked-out baby teeth, they should not be reinserted.